Blues Guitar - Using Tablature For Your Instruction
It was Grossman's meeting with Davis that was
the spark that ignited the quest for old style blues and ragtime guitar.
Many young men at that time wanted to learn and play the old acoustic
blues in the authentic style, just like the original masters. Blues
guitar tabs were the backbone of this revival.
Blues songs have a
traditional root, and many variations have been created using an
original piece.
Acoustic Blues Guitar Tabs - Just the Thing For Ragtime Guitar!

Take Robert Johnson's 'Sweet Home Chicago', for example.
This was originally called 'Kokomo Blues' and was written by Scrapper
Blackwell. In addition to countless variations around a theme, new songs
were produced in many different regional picking styles.
Within the regional styles we can also find significant differences between artists, so producing a huge variety of blues guitar music.
Within the regional styles we can also find significant differences between artists, so producing a huge variety of blues guitar music.
Of course,
in the past, blues men stole each others material and also adapted
traditional music to their own particular style which added to the
richness of the blues.
How could this material be recorded in such a way
so that future generations can learn to play in the same way? We have
the sound recordings, but there's so much music it's not enough.
Traditionally, musical notation was pretty much the same for all instruments, and consisted of a stave, notes and some indication of timing. If we wanted to stick with this accepted musical guitar notation, then we must learn how to read it - this is not too easy!Really, all we need to do is to know where to put the fingers of each hand. If we had some way of knowing this, and listen to the original guitar music, it would be a huge shortcut to performing the old fingerpicking styles.
In fact, Grossman devised a form of notation called 'tablature', which speeds up up the process of learning how to play blues guitar.
The Guitar Tab Grid and Standard
The strings of the guitar are represented by 6 lines, and a number may be written on one of the lines. This means it should be plucked on the fret indicated by that number.A line extending upwards from the number
means that we should pick with a finger on the up stroke, and a line
extending downwards indicates a picking hand thumb strike.
The guitar chords can also appear over the guitar tablature as well. Other symbols are also used, which help to define the timing, slide or type of stroke.The system is simple and very easy to learn. Although it seems a bit cumbersome at first, most people are sight reading within a couple of weeks.
The guitar chords can also appear over the guitar tablature as well. Other symbols are also used, which help to define the timing, slide or type of stroke.The system is simple and very easy to learn. Although it seems a bit cumbersome at first, most people are sight reading within a couple of weeks.
Author: Jim Bruce
Date: 2014-12-07
Category: Music